Around 5:00PM, on June 2, 2024, a Trooper from the Medford Barracks was conducting a walking patrol on Shannon Beach in Winchester. During the crowded late afternoon hours, the Trooper approached a group of men in violation of the open container ordinance for Shannon Beach. The Trooper could recognize signs of impairment from one man in particular and smelled the odor of an alcoholic beverage prominently coming from his person. The Trooper requested the men surrender the alcohol and leave the area.
As the man stood up, the Trooper was able to see in his waistband the grip of a firearm. The Trooper placed the intoxicated man in handcuffs and removed the unholstered firearm from the man’s waistband and secured it.
The armed man, TOMMS ROBLES MANZANO, 31, of Lynn, was placed under arrest and secured in the rear of the Trooper’s cruiser and transported to the Medford Barracks to be booked, photographed, and fingerprinted.
TOMMS ROBLES MANZANO was scheduled to appear in Woburn District Court on charges of:
1. Intoxicated Licensee Carrying A Firearm;
2. Disturbing The Peace;
3. DCR Beaches Conduct Violation; and
4. Municipal Ordinance Violation.