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MSP Air 4 Directs Plymouth PD To Domestic A&B Suspect Who Is Placed Under Arrest

At 8:30 this morning, the Massachusetts State Police Air Wing was called to assist in searching for a suspect involved in a domestic assault and battery in Plymouth. Sergeant Gregg Spooner and Trooper Joshua Pacheco, in MSP Air 4, responded from the Plymouth Airbase and were on scene minutes after the request came in.


Air 4 located the suspect near the Old Colony YMCA on Wareham Road. The flight crew tracked him from above, directing Plymouth officers on the ground to the area.


The suspect ran through several residential neighborhoods attempting to evade arrest. The suspect used the yards and fences to his advantage, jumping gates and cutting between neighborhoods. He could not, however, shake Air 4. Even after filling a water bottle from a backyard hose, the suspect tired and when cornered by Plymouth officers, directed to his location by the Troopers overhead, he surrendered and was placed under arrest.

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